Using Third-Party Renogy Panels With Jackery Portable Power Stations 160/240/500/1000/1500/2000
If you own or plan on purchasing a Jackery 160, 240, 300, 500, 1000, 1500 or 2000 a great way to charge it is with solar panels.
Solar panels are amazing if you’re away from electrical outlets and need to use electronics. Today I am going to tell you how you can use third-party solar panels from companies like Renogy and HQST with the Jackery power stations.
Related Post: Best solar panels compatible with Jackery Power Stations
I live in my travel trailer and travel full time, and my solar panels let me live life just like I would be connected to outlets. I charge my laptop all day and watch TV all night, which wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for my solar panels. So I understand why you would like to connect solar panels to your Jackery Power Station.
So How Do You Connect Solar Panels To A Jackery Power Station?
Jackery sells its own solar panels like the SolarSaga 100, which comes with the 8mm connector that plugs straight into the power station. You can purchase other solar panels from companies like Renogy, Richsolar, HQST, and Newpowa that will also connect to the Jackery box. All you’ll need is an adapter.
The adapter you’re going to need is the SolarEnz MC4 to 8mm adapter cable. This is compatible with the Renogy, Richsolar, HQST, and Newpowa panels.
NOTE if you have an Explorer 1500 or 2000: The latest Explorer 1500 and 2000 use proprietary 8mm connectors. You have to use the parallel 8mm adapter included by Jackery to use the adapter below with third party panels. You can also use a third-party adapter made by Solarenz, click here to view it on Amazon
All Jackery power stations use 8mm inputs, but the Explorer 1000 also have an Anderson Powerpole input. You can only use one of the inputs on the Explorer 1000 at a time, but on the newer 1500 and 2000 you can use both 8mm inputs. This makes it possible to charge the battery with solar panels while also charging it with the wall or car charger.
What Type And How Many Panels Can You Connect?
The most important thing when choosing panels for a power station like the Jackery is that the panel can’t have a built-in solar charge controller, since the Explorers already have built-in controllers.
The Jackery Explorer power stations can handle panels rated between 12-30V. What this means is that the VOC rating needs to be within that range. You can usually find the VOC rating in the specifications of a panel.
Since the 500 and smaller can’t handle even close to 100W input, I wouldn’t connect more than a single 100W panel unless you live in an area that is often cloudy or where the sun is weak.
To stay below 30V when connecting panels, you need to use 12V solar panels and if you want to connect more than one you have to use an MC4 Y branch which creates a parallel connection.
A parallel connection is done with an MC4 Y branch. This combines the amperages, but keeps the voltage the same. So if you have a 100W 12V panel rated at 18V @ 6A (like the Renogy 100W), combing two in parallel will output 18V @ 12A.
It’s not safe to connect two panels in series to any of the Explorers (except the first gen 1500 and 2000, not the newer ones) and smaller since that will double the voltage and most likely exceed the 30V maximum. If you connect several panels you also need to make sure that the wire is thick enough to handle the amperage.
For the new Explorer 1500 and 2000, I recommend two 12V 100W panels wired in parallel with the MC4 Y branch linked to above.
If you have four panels, you can do two pairs and use both 8mm inputs. Then you would also need two MC4 to 8mm adapters (click to view on Amazon).
When you have connected your panels, you can use MC4 extension cables between the panel(s) and the MC4 to 8mm adapter.
I recommend the Windynation MC4 extension cables. Depending on how many panels you connect, you need to make sure that the wire is thick enough to handle the total amperage.
How Long Will It Take To Charge The Jackery Power Stations With A 100 Watt Solar Panel?
A 100 watt solar panel doesn’t generate exactly 100 watts as soon as there is sun on it, but usually between 40 and 80 depending on the time of the year, what solar charge controller it’s plugged into, and other factors. The latest Explorer power stations have an MPPT charge controller, but the maximum of the Explorer 500 is still around 65W input.
Related Post: Honda By Jackery HLS 290 Vs Rockpals 300W
The Explorer 160 will charge in about four hours, the 240 in about five hours, the 300 in about six hours, and the 500 in about 8 hours. The Explorer 100 takes about 8 hours since it can only handle 126W of solar input when using 12V panels.
The latest Explorer 1500 can handle up to 600W, so you could technically recharge it in 3-4 hours.
Let me know if you have any questions by leaving a comment down below.
Does Rockpals 60W Foldable Solar Panel work with Jackrey 160 ?
Do I need to buy any cables ?
Yes, it works without any extra cables.
Can I use a 50 watt panel with the Jackery 500? Will it just be slower?
Hey Lynne,
Yes, you can!
I have the Renogy 100w suitcase that has the solar charge controller built in. Will it damage the controller if I charge the generator or do I need to by pass the controller in order to use the Renogy suitcase?
Hello Barry,
It won’t damage it, but it won’t work since the Jackery already has a charge controller built-in. So you’re going to have to bypass it, I have done it myself and have written a post about it over on that you can find here.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Will a goal zero boulder briefcase solar panels charge the jackery 500?
The Boulder 50 and 100 use the 8mm connector, so they should work with the Explorer 500. They’re certainly within the limits of what the Jackery can handle.
I already have a Renogy 100w suitcase and a Jackery 240. What do I need to do to safely charge the Jackery?
Hey Linda,
If it’s the suitcase without the charge controller, all you need is the MC4 to 8mm adapter with a positive female MC4 connector. If it has the charge controller on the back of the panel, you’re going to have to bypass it.
Is there anything to know about plugging in the adapter correctly? I will be using the Jackery 500 with the Renogy 100W solar panel and the adapter.
Hey Kenneth,
Nope, as long as you got the MC4 to 8mm adapter, all you have to do is connect it to your solar panel, then plug the round 8mm connector into the Jackery. It’s fine to plug it in while the solar panel is generating electricity.
Hi I am looking to get 2 200w renogy panels and was wondering what your personal opinion on what power station can handle 200w. Looking between Jackery 500 & 1000.
Hey Andrew,
The Explorer 500 can’t use more than about 70W of solar input, so I would definitely go with the Explorer 1000 which can do a max of 126W when using 12V panels.
so hi I am a newbie but have 2 100watt HQST panels and wonder what jackery size I should get and do I need an adaptor as well?? thanks
Hey Vikki,
With that much solar, I would get the Explorer 1000 since that’s the only one that can use more than 100W of input.
You’d connect the two panels in parallel with an MC4 Y branch, then connect the Y branch to the MC4 to 8mm.
If you would like some extension cables, I recommend the Windynation MC4 extension cables. I would get 12 gauge wire for your two panels.
Hi, I have two Renogy 160 watt panels. The OVC for each of them is 22.9 volts. Would it be ok running just one directly to my Jackery 500? I know the panels max output is 160 watts but it OVC is under 30 volts. I believe my Jackery is the latest version as well, which means as I understand, that it uses a MPPT controller.
Hey Joshua,
Yes, you could use one of them with your Explorer 500. You’re not going to see more than 60-70W of input at most since the charge controller is still pretty weak, but connecting a big panel like that will at least maximize the input most sunny hours of the day.
I’ve been talking to Renogy and Jackery customer service and am still having a hard time determining if the Renogy 100w Eclipse will work with my Jackery 240. I’m trying to determine the “max solar input” as it does not say in the manual, etc.
Do you know if the Renogy 100w Eclipse will work fine with my Jackery 240? What are the specs I need to look for when determining this? Especially when it states a max input wattage of 42.
Thank you for any help!!!!!
Hey TjR,
Which Eclipse panel are you looking at? Take a look at the rigid Eclipse 100W, and scroll down to the specifications. What usually matters is the “Optimum Operating Voltage”, which is 17.7V. Jackery has told me to look at the “Open Circuit Voltage” when picking panels for their power stations though, which is 21.2V.
The Jackery Explorer 240 can handle up to 30V, according to the specifications on the listing. So the panel above is safe to use with the Explorer 240, you’ll just need the MC4 to 8mm adapter.
The 42W max, in this case, is how much electricity the charge controller can move to the battery, but this doesn’t mean you can’t use anything larger than a 42W solar panel. I use 200W of solar with my Explorer 500, even though its “max” is 65W. The charge controller regulates the wattage, but it won’t regulate voltage if you go over the 30V limit.
Also, make sure you get a panel without a built-in charge controller since the Jackery already has one.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Dear Jesse,
Good morning to you. I hope all is will. I have read many post and i am trying to get a power station and some solar panels. I prefer to get 200w suit case Renogy with a Jackery 500 all brand new stuff. One post you say you cant and than i read here you can? Can you please help me understand how to do this? below is what you said. Thanks
The 42W max, in this case, is how much electricity the charge controller can move to the battery, but this doesn’t mean you can’t use anything larger than a 42W solar panel. I use 200W of solar with my Explorer 500, even though its “max” is 65W. The charge controller regulates the wattage, but it won’t regulate voltage if you go over the 30V limit.
Renogy 200 Watt 12 Volt Eclipse Monocrystalline Off Grid Portable Foldable Solar Panel Suitcase Built-in Kickstand, black
This is the solar panel i want to get … considering everything you have taught me so far i dont need a controller. would the 500 jackery work with this set up since these are 12v input?
Please help … and i love your post… so helpful
According to Renogy’s website, that 200W panel without the charge controller is compatible with the Explorer 500 since the VOC rating is below 30V.
All you would need is an MC4 to 8mm adapter (click to view on Amazon).
To answer your first comment, the Explorer 500 can handle more than 42W, I was talking about the smaller Explorer in that sentence.
Let me know if you have any questions.
I am looking at obtaining a Renology 100 Watt solar panel. What brands of power stations would you recommend for durability, reliability, safety and overall ease of use that would be compatible with the Renology panel?
Thanks for your help!
Hmm, it’s hard for me to recommend any power station brands because I have read warranty-stories about them all. I can tell you though that I have good experiences with Goal Zero, Jackery, Ecoflow, and Bluetti.
My favorite right now is the Ecoflow River which can be bought with an extra battery for more capacity. It includes an MC4 to XT60 adapter so it’s compatible with the Renogy 100W panel right out of the box.
I would say that the most important thing is to buy it from a reputable seller that will honor the warranty.
Hi Jesse,
With your experience in traveling in a trailer, do you have some recommended websites to find out about low power electrical devices for car camping that a 500 Watt or 1,000 Watt power station could adequately handle, especially for cooking as well as cooling?
Hi Jesse,
Is is possible to charge the Jackery power station using both a car dc power source AND a solar panel at the same time?
Unfortunately not with the current models. It might be possible if you had an 8mm branch that allows more than one connector, but even the Explorer 1000 with two inputs can only handle one input at a time.
Hey, Jesse.
I’m purely in the exploratory phase of getting into solar. I’m prepping for retirement where I plan to spend much of my time on the road. Although I don’t own any solar equipment yet coming across your site has helped me quite a bit. I’m interested in the Jackery 500 and I want panels that can be left outdoors to charge it. I think I’ve found my solution just from this page.
Thank you for your work on this topic and generously sharing your advice and expertise.
Thank you for your kind comment, John!
I recommend rigid solar panels if the plan is to leave them outside. I own both the portable Renogy 100W with kickstand, and the less portable Renogy 100W. Both of them have performed extremely well, and are easy to connect to a Jackery with the MC4 to 8mm adapter.
I’m at a loss for what to do with my Jackery 1000. I hooked it up to a 160 watt flexible Renogy, put the panels in direct sunlight, and plugged the MC4 to 8mm adapter linked here, but I’m getting zero watts. The Renogy wires are hot, and I can charge the Jackery off of 12 volts from the car, but for some reason it won’t charge off the panel.
And the Jackery isn’t already at 100% charge? If you have a multimeter I suggest testing each connection since there is most likely a faulty MC4 connector somewhere. Based on my experience, it’s probably the MC4 to 8mm adapter and not the solar panel that is the problem, but I’d want to make sure with a multimeter so you don’t return the panel for no reason. Let me know if you have any questions.
The Jackery was at 98 or 99 %. Does it need to be lower before it accepts a charge? It will still show input wattage even at 100% when I plug it into the 12v outlet in the truck.
We tested the solar panel with a multimeter all the way to the point where we plugged it into the MC4 to 8mm adapter. I also tried a different MC4 to Andersen connector, and that didn’t work either. Zero watts input.
I just can’t think of a reason that it would charge fine off of 12v but receive nothing from solar, provided the panel is working, which it is. Faulty charge controller?
It should work but I’d drain the battery to 90% and try again. That is really strange. The first reason I can think of is that the voltage put out by the panel is too high, but if it’s the 160W 12V panel it should be way below 30V under load.
The only other reason I can think of is that the polarity is wrong. You can check the polarity of the solar panel with a multimeter to make sure it’s not wired wrong. You want the MC4 male connector to be positive and the MC4 female connector to be negative. The easier way to try would be to use the MC4 to Anderson connector but put the black into red, and red into black (when plugging it into the Jackery). That’s probably not recommended to do by Jackery but I have done it with my Explorer 1000 when the polarity was wrong.
I have a LION Energy 100W panel and it has Anderson attachments. I got an Anderson to 8mm adapter to charge my Jackery 300, and was freaked out about the red to black attachment (that’s why I’m here, researching). Are you saying that this is the correct polarity for charging?
No, positive red should go to positive red. What the reply above is about is if you plug a panel into a power station and it isn’t working.
With your panel, it should work to connect red to red and black to black since Lion makes it clear which is positive and negative.
I did a van build out but had someone install solar panels for me. I hadn’t planned on using them right away but just figured it would be best to have them installed before I did the van build out. Anyway, I have 2 Renogy 100 Watt 12 Volt Monocrystalline Solar panels (slim) installed. I was planning to get a Jackery station and already got the Anderson to 8mm adapter but then read about the input max of 30V. I’m completely clueless about electric but from what I can tell, the input of the 2 Solar panels would be too much for the Jackery products.
What do you recommend I do in this situation? Is there any way to use my solar panels with the Jackery items or should I just go with a larger Goal Zero product? I was reading what you wrote about bypassing the max input of the Jackery.. Thanks in advance.
You can definitely use both of those panels with a Jackery Explorer 1000 or larger. What matters is how the two panels are connected to each other. If they’re connected in parallel with an MC4 Y branch, they’re set up in parallel and can be used with a Jackery. A parallel connection doubles the amperage but keeps the voltage the same. If you look at the wiring you should be able to tell if there is an MC4 y branch or not.
If they’re not connected in parallel but in series, you’ll see that one of the wires (a MC4 male connector) is connected directly to the second panel (a MC4 female connector), and what’s left is one MC4 connector from the first panel and one from the second panel. A series connection doubles the voltage, but keeps the amperage the same.
If you plan on getting the Explorer 1000, you would have to keep them connected in parallel to not exceed 30V, but if you get one of the newer models, like the Explorer 1500, you can connect panels in series as long as they don’t exceed 50V. A series connection is actually preferable with the newer 1500 and 2000.
Let me know if you have any questions.
I just wanted to thank you so much for all this GREAT info! I have been digging around the internet to figure out how to hook up my Jackery 1000 to Renogy solar panel (that I want to silicone to my van roof). And all my questions are answered here. THANKS!
Thanks for your comment! Let me know if you have any questions.
Do you know how many Renogy 100watt solar panels in total that I could connect to the Jackery 1500? I want to charge it as fast as possible with only using solar
I haven’t gotten my hands on the 1500 yet so I haven’t been able to test it, and it’s a bit unclear in the manual.
Technically you should be able to connect three 100W panels to each port, for a total of 600W, but it depends on how many amps the charge controller allow.
I have also been told that the popular MC4 to 8mm adapters do not work with the Explorer 1500 and 2000, although I am not sure whether that’s the case with all of the adapters.
I would make two pairs of Rich Solar 150W wired in series, and then use two MC4 to 8mm adapters to connect the two pairs to the Explorer 1500. But as I said, I am not sure which (if any) MC4 to 8mm adapters work with the inputs.
Hi Jesse,
Please can you confirm whether it will be safe to connect a 200W Renogy 12V panel up to a Jackery 240? The panel has an open circuit voltage of 27V. If I’ve understood correctly, the Jackery can accept up to 30V, but what I am unsure of is whether there is any limitation concerning the amps, which seem to be around 10A for this panel? Are the amps regulated/limited in some way by the built in charge controller of the Jackery and therefore unimportant as long as the panel VOC is below 30V?
The reason I’m looking at a higher wattage panel is that the 100W Solarsaga only outputs around 20 Watts on a cloudy day in the UK; I’m assuming that a 200W panel should theoretically double this in the same weather conditions? From what I’ve read the charge controller on the most recent Jackery 240 will limit the input power to around 70W regardless of the input from the panel?
Thanks again for the excellent info.
Hi Micky,
You’re correct that what matters the most is the voltage, and a 27V panel is safe to use with the Jackery.
The amperage still matters though and personally, I try to not exceed 150% of what a charge controller can use since you never know the quality of the controller. That said, I have actually hooked up 200W to my Explorer 500 without any issues and I think the Explorer 240 uses the same charge controller. It does double the wattage on cloudy days.
So while it works and I have done it, I suggest contacting Jackery to make sure it won’t void the warranty.
Great post!
I’m going with the Ecoflow Pro because of the ability to expand with an extra battery if I need to in the future. Lower initial spend.
Just starting my install. Not too sure what to do with the open tails of the cables from the panel on the van roof that would normally route to the MPPT. I guess there’s a cable for that – more searching…
The easiest thing to do would be to install MC4 connectors on the wiring from your solar panel since the Delta Pro includes an MC4 to XT60 adapter.
There are MC4 kits (click to view on Amazon) that include crimpers, and some great tutorials on YouTube that show how to install them. Just make sure you install a male MC4 connector on the positive wire, and a female MC4 connector on the negative.
Jesse, thank you so much for your help! We have a Jackery 2000 and just purchased two 100w Renology panels. We just ordered the adapters. The folding panels from Jackery are nice and lightweight, but are not waterproof. Thanks again! Debbie
Awesome thanks for leaving a comment, glad you found the article helpful!
Jesse, you are AMAZING! I just weathered Hurricane Ida in New Orleans and am ready for a solar power station. By reading all of the posts on this site as well as on your camping nerd site, I am all set with what I want to get.
Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and experience – and for being so patient with all of the questions people ask. YOU ROCK!
Thank you for the kind words, I appreciate that! Stay safe, and let me know if you have any questions.
Hi, I just bought a Jackery 240, if I buy a Renogy 50 watt solar panel would I be able to charge my 240 with it? What cables do I need?
Yes, you just need the MC4 to 8mm adapter with a positive female (click to view on Amazon).
Hi Jesse;
About to buy a Jackery 1000. Wondering about connecting a Renogy 100W and an AllPowers 60W panel. They differ in output amps and wattage.
Thanks – this website has been a very helpful resource.
It should technically work if you get an MC4 to 8mm adapter (click to view on Amazon) for the Renogy, use the 8mm connector on the Allpowers, and connect both to the 8mm combiner that Jackery includes with the Explorer 1000. You would have to connect them together since the Explorer 1000 only allows a charge from one of the two inputs at a time, at least when I tested it.
I can’t promise that the 8mm connectors will be a snug fit with the Jackery adapter, but it would be worth a shot. It’s hard to say how inefficient it would be versus two panels with the same voltage.
Hi my Name is Alan and I’m from the UK?
Planning on traveling around the UK coast early next year and I’ve just started my van conversion. Just this morning I ordered a Jackery 500. And I’ve seen you can get 130watt 12 volt flexible solar panels from Amazon. I take it they will have the standard connections which will be able to plug into the cable you’ve been talking about A twin into a single 8mm socket. Having the above panel should work with the jackery without the panel having a controller fitted.
Not like my home in Spain where I use a outback control to control my batteries
Sweet, sounds like fun. Yes, if this is the 130W panel you’re looking at, all you’re going to need is the MC4 to 8mm adapter. Let me know if you have any questions and good luck on your van conversion!
I have Newpowa 210 watt 24v panel that I would like to connect to jackery 1500. I bought Solar Enz mc4 to 8mm adaptor cable and I take the 8mm from this adaptor and add the thin 8mm to thick 8mm adaptor sent to me by jackery to connect to the 1500 jackery but shows zero input watts. Of course I have also tested a 100 w panel from harbor freight called thunderbolt using sae to 8mm adaptor and the 8mm thin to thick 8mm adaptor and that works fine on 1500 Jackery.
I have tested using a multimeter and tested the outputs of the newpowa solar panel and see 21.2 volts so the panel seems to be fine although not an electrical engineer so not sure
ANy suggestions
Which Explorer 1500 model do you have? There is the first model that has 1488Wh, and the newer one with 1534Wh. For some reason Jackery updated the old one and changed some specs without changing the name. I’m going to update this post.
The old one supports voltages up to 50V, while the new one only supports up to 30V. A 24V panel is going to output a voltage above 30V (yours is rated at 39.6V), which might be why it’s not working. Not sure why your multimeter is reading 21.2V. It would work if it was a 12V panel, which is why your panel from Harbor Freight works.
COntinuation of previous question
Here is the adaptor cable MC4 to DC 8mm I used to connect the newpowa 210 W 24v to jackery 1500
Solar enz cable
Newpowa 210 W 24 v panel
Hello Jesse,
I have a jackery explorer 440
I dont hear or see much information on this unit. Will the rock pal 100 watt be an option? Will i need any extra cable’s. Thank for your help.
Hello again Jesse.
Im a little confused, iv read that the explorer 440 requires a 24 volt input from solar panel. I can’t seem to find a panel that puts out 24 volts any ideas much appreciated.
Yes, you’re correct. Please disregard my first answer.
Apparently the 440 is different and there isn’t a panel available right now that will be able to charge it since it requires a very specific voltage. Thanks for letting me know about this.
I’d contact Jackery if I were you and ask if there is anyway to purchase a panel for it. That’s very frustrating.
Would this single panel be safe on my jackery 1000? Ive read loads of posts and would be grateful to get a confirmation am following the 30v max rule..
SPECIFICATIONS Max Current (Imp) 10.6A Max Voltage (Vmp) 24.5V Short Circuit Current (Isc) 11.3A Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 29.6V Certified CE & TUV Warranty 25 years
Many thanks
Hoping to get a favourable reply
Yes, based on those specifications it’s compatible and a great choice for the Explorer 1000.
I just bought a Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 300, 293 with Backup Lithium Battery. I also bought a solar panel HYESN 100W Portable Solar Panel for the Jackery Power Station. Neither of them came with any connectors to charge the Portable Power Station with the Solar panels.
What do I need to get to get my Jackery to charge up with solar? Thank you in advance. I am sure you all will look at this and think what a silly person, but I checked on Amazon and it said that the solar would charge the generator.
Hi Kris,
If it’s this panel (click to view on, it’s supposed to come with an 8mm adapter that you use to connect it to the Jackery.
But if it’s this panel (click to view), you need an adapter like this (click to view on Amazon).
Let me know if it’s a different panel or if you have any questions.
Thank you for this great info, it helped us a lot. If we bring the wire from the solar panel into the house through a hole drilled in the wall, do you have a suggestion for how we could wire it to some kind of wall jack? Ultimately we would connect our Jackery Explorer to the wall jack.
Hi John,
I haven’t done it myself, but if I were to do something similar, I would use SAE connectors and ports. I can’t promise that this will work, and you should of course test if it all connects and works before drilling any holes. I’m not an expert on this in any way.
This is what I would buy:
MC4 to SAE adapter – To connect your panels outside to the outside port.
2 Pack SAE Sidewall ports – One for the outside, and one for the inside. These would be connected “in the wall”.
SAE to 8mm adapter – To connect the inside port to the Jackery.
8mm extension cable – To extend the cable between the adapter above and your Jackery.
I think this would look the best.
One thing to note is that since the SAE to 8mm adapter is 14 AWG, you shouldn’t exceed 15A, so I don’t recommend connecting more than 200W of solar this way. If you want to connect more you might be able to find a lower gauge that can handle more amperage.
Also, you’re going to have to use the polarity adapters included between some of the connections so positive ends up going to positive from the solar panel to the SAE to 8mm adapter.
I have a newer jackery 1500 and I just mounted three 100w renogy panels to the top of our roof top tent. I have the new adapter jackery was kind enough to send and the y splitter for mc4 to 8mm. What I’m trying to figure out for sure is parallel or series wiring on the the three panels. If series I am ready to rock. If parallel I need to order a three way combiner which I don’t mind to order. We charge the jackery off of our vehicles (2021 jeep gladiator rubicon) inverter to recharge which gives us 265w input consistently but if we decide to setup for a few days we want the solar to help keep things topped off so we don’t have to keep the jeep running all day. Any suggestions ?
If it’s this model with 1534Wh (click to view on Amazon), you’re going to have to stick to a parallel connection. The older Explorer 1500 with 1488Wh could handle series connections, but not the new one.
The specifications can be found underneath the unit.
Hi Jesse,
Where are you finding the max volt limit info for the newer 1500? I searched the specs info but I’m not seeing it and I’m under the impression that the newer 1500 model does indeed accept up to 50v which could mean panels connected in series.
thanks for your help,
That’s my understanding after reading the manual (click to view). By the DC Input specs it says (Dual-input supports 500W max at 12-30V).
Thank you. I’m getting conflicting information from Jackery (one person said 60v, another said 24v). Thanks for pointing out the exact verbiage.
Can you explain what “dual-input” actually refers to in this context? Because on the spec it says 2x24v first, followed by “Dual input….”
So does that mean one panel at 24v and you can do two panels at 30v tops? I’m so confused, please help!
I think it simply means that it has two inputs, and you can use both at the same time. Both of them can handle 12-30V each, but will max out at 500W input in total.
Thank you for a great article. I am looking at portable panels to charge my RV 12 Volt system (simple charging with no inverter) I also have 2 of the Jackery Explorer 240. If I get the “Renogy 200 Watt Off Grid Portable Foldable Solar Panel Suitcase Built-in Kickstand with Waterproof 20A Charger Controller” Can I easily pull one panel off the charger controller and charge a Jackery while leaving the other connected to the RV battery? Looking at it I see the set up is essentially 2 100 watt panels so could it be that easy?
The panels are wired together in parallel, so you would have to open up the junction box of the panel on the left and see if you can remove it. I’m not sure how easy that would be to do, I bet it would void the warranty though.
Then you’d need to install MC4 connectors (SAE connectors would also work since there are SAE to 8mm adapters) before you can hook it up to your Jackery.
Hello sir, I just bought the jackery 240 and I have 4 solar panels from a harbor freight solar kit.
The total of the 4 panels states is 100 watts total, would I be ok to use all 4 to charge the jackery?
Yep, that should work great with the Explorer 240. Looks like it uses SAE connectors, so all you need is a SAE to 8mm adapter like this (click to view on Amazon). Connect the adapter directly to the panel/the SAE extension cable, do not use the charge controller included with the panel.
I have a jackery 500 and just bought a renogy 175 watt solar panel. Is it safe to connect this to the jackery? Thanks!
Yes, that is safe to do and a great choice.
Hey Jesse,
I have a Jackery 1500 (1488 W), wondering if this rockpals solar panel will be able to charge my unit? Will I require 2 rockpals in parallel?
Which Rockpals panel is it, can you link to it?
I just recently bought the Jackery 2000 Pro Power Station.
I also own the Allpowers 100W foldable solar panel. I am still unsure how to connect both and make them work!
Any help would be much appreciated!
If it’s the Allpowers panel with MC4 connectors, all you need is the MC4 to 8mm adapter (click to view on Amazon).
Connect the MC4 to 8mm adapter to the solar adapter included by Jackery and you should see input on the screen.
As all the Jackerys have current limiting on their charger input it is fine to over panel them all. This ensures a maximum charge longer during the entire day. Will Prowse did extensive testing on this with his Jackeries.
Happy Day, thanks for all the great info. So, wanting to use my jackery 1500 in my van. I want to connect it to a renogy 175 watt flexible solar panel due to my roof being a topper.
I have the Mc 4 connector and the adapter on the way. Was wondering if the panel is ok to charge the jackery.
Much appreciated
Yes, that is a great panel for the Explorer 1500. Happy travels!
Hi this is all interesting, what I would like to know is I have a jackory 1000 , and I also have a renogy 200 watt panel plus 2 × 100 watt panels. Would this be safe to connect all 3 in parallel to charge the jackory. I think the voltage and amperage would stay the same but should charge better.or am I wrong , I understand in series this will cause a big problem
I’ve connected up to 400W to my Explorer 1000 but unfortunately it maxes out at 126W, therefore it’s not really worth it unless it’s a very cloudy day.
You’re correct that the voltage will stay the same, however the amperages will add up.
Hi Jessie,
I have really enjoyed your information. I just got the Jackery 2000, and I need to hook it up to four 100w Renology flexible panels that are on my van. Will connecting the panels in series, parallel, or parallel/series be best? And what would you recommend to convert the mc4 connectors to the new Jackery 8mm with the larger middle pin? I am so glad that I found your site!
Thanks for all the information,
According to the Explorer 2000 Pro manual, you can connect panels in series and use both inputs as long as the voltages of all of the panels are the same. The manual do advise you to use the Jackery Series adapter to connect the panels in series though, so you might want to buy two of those.
For the MC4 to 8mm adapter, I recommend this one by iGreely (click to view on Amazon) which includes an 8020 adapter if needed. If you buy two Jackery series adapters you’re probably not going to need the extra 8020 connector though.
Hi There!
Great information here 🙂
Could I use a Renogy 200 WATT 12 VOLT MONOCRYSTALLINE SOLAR PANEL with my Jackery 1000?
The Jackery 1000 has an Anderson input so I’m not sure what adapter cable I’d need if it’s possible. Any idea?
Thanks so much,
Rob UK
Yes, that’s a great choice. All you’ll need is the MC4 to Anderson adapter (click to view on Amazon UK) with a positive MC4 female connector.
Hi Jesse! Thank you for the great blog post. Super duper helpful!! I got all of the adapters you recommended for my Renogy 100W, which I am plugging into the Jackery Explorer 240. Everything connects well. And I was thinking of buying a charge controller, but then I went here and learned I don’t need to because the Explorers already have built-in ones. Moving forward, if I leave the solar panel connected to the Jackery all of the time, would that be okay? Do I need to unplug it if it is fully charged? Anything I should know?
Awesome, glad to hear it’s working!
Yes, that’s fine to do and the way I have had it for years. The charge controller in the Jackery prevents overcharging, so leaving the panel plugged in won’t cause any harm.
Hi Jesse! Thank you for your incredibly helpful blog post! Following your recommendations, I got the Renogy 100W solar panel to charge the Jackery 160 using the Solarenz adapter. It worked wonderfully for a little over a year, then it suddenly stopped charging. Is this normal? I’m a newbie, but I would’ve expected the components to be a bit more durable! I’d appreciate any suggestions on how to troubleshoot!
I bet the problem is the Solarenz adapter. It has happened to me too, and 99% of the time it’s because of the MC4 to 8mm connector.
The MC4 connectors on the adapter can come loose over time, and eventually it will stop working altogether. If you have a multimeter nearby you can test the connections on the Solarenz adapter.
You can try to unscrew the MC4 connector to check it but that might make it worse, so I would send Solarenz a message if I were you and let them know. Maybe they would be willing to send you another one, but the easiest thing will be to buy a new one.
Thank you so much for your suggestion, Jesse. I ordered a new MC4 connector, but unfortunately it didn’t fix the issue. Looks like I need to borrow a multimeter and try to figure out where the problem is.
Sorry to hear that. Does the Jackery wall charger still work like usual? Maybe the MC4 connector on the panel itself has come loose.
I followed the troubleshooting video from Renogy to measure the open circuit voltage and short circuit current with a multimeter (I’m amazed at all the new terms I’m learning through this process 😛 ), and both showed zero. Once I figured out how to open the junction box, I saw the problem almost immediately… The wires connecting the PV cables were completely broken off on the negative side and badly frayed on the positive. Compared to pictures of other solar panel junction boxes I found online, mine seems to be missing some type of protective sleeve over the connection points, leaving bare wires exposed. Maybe a quality control issue? I contacted Renogy, and they are sending me a replacement panel — fingers crossed that the new panel’s wiring is better protected.
Ok, I am glad you found the issue. Thanks a lot for sharing, that’s the first time I have heard of that happening.
Sorry I had you buy another MC4 adapter, hopefully you can return it.
Jesse – Great blog. Having owned a Jackery 1000 for a couple of summers now, I am firmly convinced that solar power is the way to go in my off-the-grid cabin in Northern Maine. I do need something more for sure, but still see utility in hanging on to my Jackery ’till such plans can be realized. I do have a couple of limited power requirements that I’m hoping can be met with the 1000. I am intent on following your guidance for a fixed 200W Renogy panel to charge the 1000. I’m hoping that a 12V fused cigarette lighter male plug can be used from the Jackery to power the small fans in my composter (appx 3-5W) and that the 110V A/C will be able to power my router/internet (20W) and incidental low-voltage charging in a more permanent (At least one where I don’t have to continue to set up my portable panels). Does this sound reasonable?
A quick calculation tells me that the fan and router are going to need around 0.6kWh per day, or about 0.7kWh considering inverter efficiency. The 1kWh battery in the Explorer 1000 and a 200W solar panel should be able to handle that in the summer unless it’s cloudy for several days in a row.
If possible, the panel should face south with an angle between 30-40 degrees. Unless other factors like trees are in play, that should be ideal for your location, especially when it’s cloudy.
The Explorer 1000 turns off if the output is 10W or less for 12 hours straight, but the fan and router should consistently use more than that.
So yes, that sounds reasonable!
I have a 100w Renogy solar panel with an Andersen Pole connector (rather than the MC4). Can I plug that directly into the Explorer’s Andersen input port?
Yes, you can as long as its within the voltage range the Jackery can handle. You might have to adjust the orientation of the Anderson connectors, but that’s all.
Hey Jesse,
You totally saved my butt with this post! I do have a question, can I connect 4x 100w 12V Renogy solar panels to the Jackery 2000 pro in series parallel? I know I can connect them in parrallel but I’d like to avoid all the splitters on the roof of the van. It looks like the 2000 can take up to 60v and 12amp of input (panels are 22.5 VOC and 5.75A) which leads me to believe the answer is yes but I’d love your expertise! Thank you.
Yes, that should not be a problem at all, and actually the best way to connect four 100W panels. That way you’ll only need one pair of the MC4 Y Branch and one MC4 to 8mm adapter.
Amazing, thank you!
With an Exploerer 1500, I’d be able to use two 200w 12v panels with an MC4 Y branch, right? Thanks!
It depends on which Explorer 1500 you have, since Jackery did some updates on it. If you read the specifications in the manual, what does it say that the DC input specs are?
DC Input 2 x 48V-6.25A (Double to 500w Max)
Should be fine, right?
Sounds like you have the model that prefers a series connection. Then you shouldn’t use an MC4 Y branch but use the series connector included with the Jackery. It will likely require two MC4 to 8mm adapters.
We have a jackery 2000 pro arriving today. Could you please tell me if I can use 2 x 200watt panels (or is there a bigger one) and a link to which brand. And which connectors we would need? Also is there an option of having the panels portable and popping them in the roof if needed or is this unsafe and they would blow off?
I wrote the post above saying my jackery explorer 2000 pro was arriving today but am thinking of getting 4 x 175watt 12v renogy panels, could you tell me what I’d need to buy to connect them all up and obviously a long lead to come into the Moho and connect to the jackey?
My Jackery 500 is NOT charging connected to a Renogy 100W Suitcase !!
Blue LED is lighting up … but display tells me 0 Watt even in bright sunlight !!
I’m using that SolarEnz MC4 Connector I’ve ordered from US to be delivered to Germany !!
I’m not familiar measuring Voltage and Current on that Panel. But due to data that panel should be fine.
Same panel works fine charging my VTOMAN 1500 by the way.
What’s my fault ??
That is odd, I have the exact same setup. Do you use the same SolarEnz adapter with the VTOMAN? If not, that might be the culprit.
I am new to the solar community.
Want to setup my tear drop for a 12 volt Iceco cooler.
Would a 200 watt Renogy flexible panel and Jackery 1000 pro work together well.
What additional things would I need to set the system up.
Many thanks for your help. Your information is really helpful for newbies like me.
Yes, they would work great together! You just need the Mc4 to 8020 Dc adapter (click to view on Amazon). You could also add some MC4 extension cables between the panel and the power station if needed.
I connected a 100w Renogy panel to my Jackery explorer 1000 v2. Whilst it showed that it was producing between 8 and 30w because it was a cloudy winter day, and the screen was showing input, the battery did not charge at all in 5 hours. It showed 25% and never changed.
I was told that Renogy were compatible with Jackery . Any ideas ?
It sounds like a combination of low input power on the cloudy day, the Jackery’s efficiency threshold preventing effective charging with such minimal input, and the battery percentage indicator not updating accurately during low charging conditions. Testing the setup on a sunnier day or with higher input power should clarify if these factors are the issue. It’s good that it was showing any kind of input though, since that shows that the panel is working.