Can I Take A Jackery Power Bank/Station On An Airplane?

Which Jackery power banks or power stations can you bring on a plane?

Do you have or plan on buying a Jackery power bank, but don’t know whether you can bring it on a plane or not? Today I am going to help you figure out the answer. I will list the Jackery power banks and stations available on the market right now, and tell you whether it’s airplane friendly or not.

Related Product: Looking for the largest power bank you can take on an airplane with an AC outlet? Check out this one by Anker (click to view on Amazon)


Jackery Power Banks And Power Stations Listed

What Makes A Power Bank Or Power Station Airplane Friendly?

FAA sets rules for how big batteries you bring on planes can be. These can be found on the TSA website here.

The battery can’t be larger than 100Wh. You’re also not allowed to check-in loose lithium batteries. For example, if you have drone batteries, they must go in your carry-on or be placed in the drone, but they can’t be left loose in the checked-in bag.

Related Post: How To Charge A Jackery Power Station With Third-Party Solar Panels

Note that these are the rules in the United States, other countries might have different regulations.

Woman discussing with another woman by airport security
If you try to go through security and are caught with a power bank bigger than 100Wh, TSA might keep it.

Can I bring a 20,000mAh, 30,000mAh, 40,000mAh, or 50,000Mah power bank on a plane?

To answer this question, you must know a couple of things. First, it depends on what battery cells it uses, as we must know the voltage of each cell to do the math. Second, you need to know what makes a power bank airplane friendly.

To quickly answer the second thing, it must be under 100Wh. So how do you turn mAh into Wh (watt-hours)?

Most power banks today use lithium-ion cells, typically 3.7V. With this number we can then do the math to figure out whether it’s OK to bring this power bank onto a plane or not, this is how:


So for example, since most power banks use the 3.7V cells, here are the numbers:

20,000mAh/1000*3.7=74Wh = Airplane friendly

30,000mAh/1000*3.7=111Wh = Not Airplane Friendly

40,000mAh/1000*3.7=148Wh = Not Airplane Friendly

50,000mAh/1000*3.7=185Wh = Not Airplane Friendly

What is the largest power bank I can bring on a plane?

If we do the math above but reverse it (100Wh/3.7*1000=27,027)

It tells us that the largest battery bank we can bring on a plane can be 27,027mAh, a power bank like the No products found..

No products found.

No products found.

What if my power bank exceeds 100Wh?

If you still want to bring a power bank larger than 100Wh on a flight, you’re going to need special permission from the airline.

5 thoughts on “Can I Take A Jackery Power Bank/Station On An Airplane?”

  1. Sirs, I want to ask if I can travel with a Patriot Sidekick Mini Solar Power Plant. It weights 8.4 lbs,12.8 V Lithium Ion Phosphate Battery, AC output Voltage-110 VAC, AC Continous power output-300W. Solar panel for 40W. Please confirm to my email:nvelazquez4@yahoo.Com or call me at 787-948-8599 ASAP.
    Thank you for your prompt response.
    Nancy Velazquez

  2. Thank ya for the article. Just to make sure, no matter if the power bank has AC Outlet 110v or not, the only thing is that does not exceed the 100Wh. is it correct?


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